Giant of Odessos: Skeleton unearthed in Varna, Bulgaria :
Earlier in March 2015, rescue excavations in Varna, Bulgaria, revealed the skeleton of a mammoth buried under the ramparts of the ancient city of Odessos.
Initial reports indicated that scientists were highly astounded by the size of the bone found in the area, leading them to conclude that the man lived in the 4th or early 4th century.
The skeleton was discovered during rescue excavations carried out by archaeologists from the Varna Museum of Archeology (also known as the Varna Regional Museum of History).
In charge of the digging team, Prof. According to Dr. Valery Yotov, the bones were of “impressive” size and belonged to “a very tall individual”. However, Yotov did not reveal the exact height of the skeleton.
In Varna archaeologists also found remnants of the Odessos fortress wall, fragments of clay jars, and a hand mill from late antiquity.
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Archaeologists found that the body was originally buried at a depth of three meters. Since graves of such depth are very rare, they believe that the pit may have been dug as a construction ditch when the fortification wall of Odessos was being erected.
Pro. According to Yotov, the man died at work, and the fact that he was buried with his hands on his waist and his body facing east was evidence of a ritual burial.
Archaeologists About The Giant of Odessos :
While archaeologists haven’t found anything particularly remarkable about their discovery, many researchers wonder where the skeleton came from. Many experts claim that prehistoric man is an example of a “long extinct race of Atlantean giants”.
This is not the first time that the skeleton of an unusually large individual has been discovered in Eastern Europe. The skeleton of a giant warrior from 1600 BC was discovered in 2012 near Santa Mare, Romania.